Thursday, March 28, 2013
Feeding Time
Just a quick note today. I fed the bees sugar water this afternoon. According to weather channel, we are not dropping below 32 for the next 10 days so time is right. We'll trigger the queen to start laying eggs in the hive and in 21 days...wham! Lots of bees. The earlier I can get her laying without a freeze the better.
I went into winter with 5 alive here at my bee yard, I have 4 strong hives today and one just barely hanging on. It was a small cluster I had picked up on a swarm call. It may not make it. There are a few slow moving bees in there, but the hive may not be strong enough to fight off other spring bees. The other 4 looked great. Very excited over the food source.
I like to feed bees in the early morning. They are not all out
flying around yet. I make up some old juice clear plastic bottles. This is easy to fill half with sugar, use the tea kettle pour in hot water about 80% full and shake like crazy. Then fill the rest of the water and cap. When I'm taking kids to school, I drop by the hives, fill each entrance jar with sweetness and I don't drag the glass jars all around. Much easier.
Calendar notes: March 28, started feed. Check for laying of eggs in 5-7 days to ensure my queen is healthy and laying eggs. Also, rotate top and bottom boxes. Target Friday April 5.